domingo, 30 de enero de 2011
Funny video about differences
We have found another video who show us more differences between men and women and stereotypes, it is very funny and we hope you like it.
sábado, 29 de enero de 2011
something that men / women can not
although men and women now are recognized equally under the law as long as there are differences.........
videos express it so funny, but always hard to admit but we are certain activities "are"best for women or men ..
videos express it so funny, but always hard to admit but we are certain activities "are"best for women or men ..
viernes, 28 de enero de 2011
How do men and women flirt?
Fortunately or unfortunately, it depends; most men are forced to be the initiators of contact between the sexes because ladies still, not always, there are exceptions, not dare to be the first and ask for the man’s phone. But not only this, opportunities for many men are limited, for a number of reasons (physical appearance, emotional maturity, and confidence level), this is why men don’t waste their few opportunities unlike women, that in most cases may flirt just to see if they're "still attractive”.
Women are a little bit more subtle about flirting than men, so her “flirting movements” can be more tricky. The flirting that women do is mostly harmless, if a woman wants “more” she would let you know.
Flirting activity can range from simple conversation to all sorts of closeness, and its meaning can be anything from friendship to marriage. If all of this sounds confusing, it is because men and women think differently.
In my opinion you have to be humorous and have fun doing it. Humor is important and helps break up tension since both men and women can sometimes experience nervousness while flirting for dates, effective communication, even if it's through flirting, is always the key to the next step.
"Beautiful girls", 1996
Deborah Tannen
As my colleague said before, and in connection with the last topic, it's indispensable to talk about Deborah Tannen.
She has devoted her life to linguistic researchs, and in my personal opinion she's one of the best. As result she has written several books about linguistics, discourse analysis and interpersonal comunication.In these books she touches topics such as how men and women communicate, gender and discourse, the differences between how sisters and brother communicate with each other or the communication between mothers and daughters.
Here i attach some videos of D. Tannen talking about her books:
"You were always Mom's favourite":
She has devoted her life to linguistic researchs, and in my personal opinion she's one of the best. As result she has written several books about linguistics, discourse analysis and interpersonal comunication.In these books she touches topics such as how men and women communicate, gender and discourse, the differences between how sisters and brother communicate with each other or the communication between mothers and daughters.
Here i attach some videos of D. Tannen talking about her books:
"You were always Mom's favourite":
"You are wearing that?":
As you can see talks amazingly good.
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
This is a video where we can understand more men and women communication. We are going to learn what issues worry women and what issues worry men.
The stress in the sexes.
Here we have a little bibliography of the character in the video.
John Gray (born 1951) is an American relationship counselor, lecturer and author. He has written seventeen books on relationships and personal growth, including his 1992 book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, which is being turned into a motion picture. Gray's current book is Venus on Fire | Mars on Ice, an exploration of relationships and the role of food and nutrition to sustaining a healthy romantic partnership.
Critics have accused him of over-simplifying human psychology into stereotypes that fail to adequately describe many people. Communication scholars have published research-based rebuttals to Gray's claims. Other scholars, such as Deborah Tannen, a professor of linguistics, have also written research-based books that challenge some of Gray's claims.
The stress in the sexes.
Here we have a little bibliography of the character in the video.
John Gray (born 1951) is an American relationship counselor, lecturer and author. He has written seventeen books on relationships and personal growth, including his 1992 book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, which is being turned into a motion picture. Gray's current book is Venus on Fire | Mars on Ice, an exploration of relationships and the role of food and nutrition to sustaining a healthy romantic partnership.
Critics have accused him of over-simplifying human psychology into stereotypes that fail to adequately describe many people. Communication scholars have published research-based rebuttals to Gray's claims. Other scholars, such as Deborah Tannen, a professor of linguistics, have also written research-based books that challenge some of Gray's claims.
This is a video taken from the TV show "HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER" where we can observe how a man use subliminal information to let women know that he does not want to have a is very funny!!!!
The friendship between men and women....
In a friendship between a man and a woman can be a risk to awaken an interest that goes beyond. But why should we give to what could become a great friendship?. Have a friend of the opposite sex can be very rewarding. In addition, the friends we choose according to affinities and no sex. Another question we can ask is whether after the breakup of a relationship can continue to be just friends.

From my point of view I would like to say that this type of communication etre acturian both women and men alike.

A picture and could well assume they are dating.
But no .. they are just friends but friends of the opposite sex .. uo trust in the other.
but what would happen if qe feelings change?
But no .. they are just friends but friends of the opposite sex .. uo trust in the other.
but what would happen if qe feelings change?
From my point of view I would like to say that this type of communication etre acturian both women and men alike.
would lose the woman or man who loves but also one of the most important pillars. your soulmate.
I want to make clear that in both sexes communication with friends and their loss can be very important.
ElLOs Lo sUeLEn TeNeR cLaRo..
While we spend hours and hours thinking about an answer, talking to our friends, acting without thinking how they find an answer in most cases it is always clear.
to a problem loving family, economic, ... they know how to act better.
Know how to solve the problem and not lose their habits of communication with their friends and the environment while we like most women stay at home thinking that just solve the problem before ..
Unfortunately if there are studies that show ... not so in all cases logically but .. how you think you face a big problem? would you rather stay home ... or maybe hanging out with friends to forget the problem?
BelÉn :-)
to a problem loving family, economic, ... they know how to act better.
Know how to solve the problem and not lose their habits of communication with their friends and the environment while we like most women stay at home thinking that just solve the problem before ..
Unfortunately if there are studies that show ... not so in all cases logically but .. how you think you face a big problem? would you rather stay home ... or maybe hanging out with friends to forget the problem?
BelÉn :-)
jueves, 27 de enero de 2011
In what do we think?
This issue is connected to the previous topic Stereotypes.
We can find a really good example of stereotypes in this beer ad :
We can find a really good example of stereotypes in this beer ad :
But as we've said before, this thing has change, now we have, for example, female singers that talk freely about taboo topics some years ago, like sex for instance.The video we are going to enclose belongs to Ke$ha.
At present, we cannot talk about stereotypes because men and women act in a very similar way, before they could think the same but women could't do whatever they wanted to, but now everything is balanced...
To complement this theme we attach a scene of the film What women want:
We recomend this film so that you can see what women want.
Bárabra & Ana.
Bárbara & Ana.
Everybody knows what a stereotypes is, but if you don' know wikipedia.
As you can see now men can do what we expect what ladies should do and viceversa, but the older stereotypes still "alive", because women think that men only can drink beer and be tough guys, while men think that women only can go shopping and gossiping.
- Men stereotype:
This picture reflects what most people think about men, but it's not always true...
- Women stereotype:
And this is how we imagine women...
But nowadays all these stereotypes have changed, and we probably know we see this:
- NEW men stereotype:
- NEW women stereotype:
As you can see now men can do what we expect what ladies should do and viceversa, but the older stereotypes still "alive", because women think that men only can drink beer and be tough guys, while men think that women only can go shopping and gossiping.
Bárbara & Ana.
Men & women in discourse.
After knowing everything, or almost everything, about both brains, we can also notice the differences in communication or in discourse between the two genders, although each person has an unique for of expression.
There are some general patterns than we can identify in each gender.
Bárbara & Ana
There are some general patterns than we can identify in each gender.
- For instance men bring up troubles in the expectation that someone will suggest a solution, they value status and make more statements of fact and opinion.
- In contras, women, bring up troubles wanting simpathy and reassurance, they value connection and intimacy, so they care more about interpersonal relationships.Finally they use more questions to keep a conversation going.
Bárbara & Ana
'New research from the University of Alberta shows that men and women utilize different parts of their brains while they perform the same tasks. The results of the research are reported this month in the journal NeuroImage.
The study involved volunteers who performed memory tasks, verbal tasks, visual spatial tasks and simple motor tasks while their brain activity was monitored with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) technology.
"The results jumped out at us," said Emily Bell, a U of A PhD student in psychiatry and lead author of the paper "Sometimes males and females would perform the same tasks and show different brain activation, and sometimes they would perform different tasks and show the same brain activation."
"It is widely recognized that there are differences between males and females, but finding that different regions of the brain are activated in men and women in response to the same task has large potential implications for a variety of different clinical situations," said Dr. Peter Silverstone, a psychiatrist at the U of A and an author of the study.
Silverstone cited the psychiatric condition of major depression as an example of the psychological differences between men and women, because twice as many women as men have this condition. He added that there are many other psychiatric conditions in which the male and female ratio is not equal or in which males and females show different symptoms and different profiles for the same conditions.
Thirty-three healthy, right-handed volunteers (23 male and 10 female) were used in the study. The researchers say this a relatively small sample, but Silverstone believes his group's latest findings suggest that future psychiatric research and clinical treatments for men and women should involve gender specific focuses to ensure that the sexes are studied separately, which he believes has not been done before.
"The larger implications of this work, as well as other work pointing in the same direction, is that we may increasingly find out that there are differences in the 'hard wiring' of male and female brains."
"We'd like to push forward in this area," added Bell, a Killam scholar at the U of A. "It hasn't been seen yet how this information can be used to help patients, but more work in this area may lead to that." '
This is an article taken from the page above and as you can see show us the differences, in a clinical view,between male and female brains, and how this affect to their behaviour.
We attached this article to demonstrate that there are true phisiologic inequalities among men and women brains.
Here we have a little visual explanation about this issue:
Bárbara & Ana.
The study involved volunteers who performed memory tasks, verbal tasks, visual spatial tasks and simple motor tasks while their brain activity was monitored with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) technology.
"The results jumped out at us," said Emily Bell, a U of A PhD student in psychiatry and lead author of the paper "Sometimes males and females would perform the same tasks and show different brain activation, and sometimes they would perform different tasks and show the same brain activation."
"It is widely recognized that there are differences between males and females, but finding that different regions of the brain are activated in men and women in response to the same task has large potential implications for a variety of different clinical situations," said Dr. Peter Silverstone, a psychiatrist at the U of A and an author of the study.
Silverstone cited the psychiatric condition of major depression as an example of the psychological differences between men and women, because twice as many women as men have this condition. He added that there are many other psychiatric conditions in which the male and female ratio is not equal or in which males and females show different symptoms and different profiles for the same conditions.
Thirty-three healthy, right-handed volunteers (23 male and 10 female) were used in the study. The researchers say this a relatively small sample, but Silverstone believes his group's latest findings suggest that future psychiatric research and clinical treatments for men and women should involve gender specific focuses to ensure that the sexes are studied separately, which he believes has not been done before.
"The larger implications of this work, as well as other work pointing in the same direction, is that we may increasingly find out that there are differences in the 'hard wiring' of male and female brains."
"We'd like to push forward in this area," added Bell, a Killam scholar at the U of A. "It hasn't been seen yet how this information can be used to help patients, but more work in this area may lead to that." '
This is an article taken from the page above and as you can see show us the differences, in a clinical view,between male and female brains, and how this affect to their behaviour.
We attached this article to demonstrate that there are true phisiologic inequalities among men and women brains.
Here we have a little visual explanation about this issue:
Bárbara & Ana.
miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011
Differences between men & women
Everybody knows that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, and this is why we talk and behave in differents ways.
Have you ever notice it?
Let's see why...
Sorry if your sensibility has been hurt, but it's the TRUTH....
Have you ever notice it?
Let's see why...
Sorry if your sensibility has been hurt, but it's the TRUTH....
This blog is a homework project, and we are very exited so we beg for your colaboration! We thought that this issue is going to create controversy and we expect that everybody enjoy it.
See you soon!
See you soon!
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