viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

How do men and women flirt?

Fortunately or unfortunately, it depends; most men are forced to be the initiators of contact between the sexes because ladies still, not always, there are exceptions, not dare to be the first and ask for the man’s phone. But not only this, opportunities for many men are limited, for a number of reasons (physical appearance, emotional maturity, and confidence level), this is why men don’t waste their few opportunities unlike women, that in most cases may flirt just to see if they're "still attractive”.

Women are a little bit more subtle about flirting than men, so her “flirting movements” can be more tricky. The flirting that women do is mostly harmless, if a woman wants “more” she would let you know.
Flirting activity can range from simple conversation to all sorts of closeness, and its meaning can be anything from friendship to marriage. If all of this sounds confusing, it is because men and women think differently. 

In my opinion you have to be humorous and have fun doing it. Humor is important and helps break up tension since both men and women can sometimes experience nervousness while flirting for dates, effective communication, even if it's through flirting, is always the key to the next step.

"Beautiful girls", 1996

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